Wire Rope Reel & Capacity Chart

Wire Rope reel chart listing

Below is a wire rope reel chart listing some of the most commonly used reels in our inventory and the approximate lengths of wire rope that will fit on the reels.

Reel Size

HB D3/161/45/163/81/25/83/47/811 1/83/163/16
12 x 6 x 5500300200125
18 x 8 x 81,8001,200800600300
24 x 16 x 126,4003,9002,6002,0001,200800
26 x 16 x 128,3005,1003,4002,6001,5501,000625450
28 x 16 x 1210,3006,4004,3003,3001,9001,200800570450
32 x 16 x 147,8005,2003,7002,3501,5501,100800600475
36 x 24 x 1613,9009,4006,7004,2002,7501,9501,4001,100850625
40 x 22 x 1813,0005,8005,8003,8002,7001,9501,5001,200900725
42 x 22 x 1819,30010,0006,2504,1002,9002,1001,6001,3001,000850

Reel Capacity

Due to tolerances on diameters and variety of constructions of wire rope, it is difficult to calculate the maximum length of wire rope that can be spooled on a reel or drum. The formula below may be used to calculate reel capacities with at least one wire rope diameter below the flange diameter, for clearance (“X”). Calculated reel capacities are based on uniform rope winding on the reel.

L = (A + D) x A x B x K

L = length of wire rope in feet
A = depth of rope space on reel in inches
B = width of drum between flanges in inches
D = barrel diameter in inches
K = constant for given wire rope diameter (per table below)
H = diameter in reel flange in inches
X = clearance 

Avoid shock loads.

Diameter (inches)KDiameter (inches)KDiameter (inches)K
1/1649.81/20.9251 3/80.127
3/3223.49/160.7411 1/20.107
1/813.65/80.6071 5/80.0886
5/328.7211/160.5061 3/40.0770
3/166.143/40.4281 7/80.0675
1/43.297/80.3082 1/80.0532
5/162.2110.2392 1/40.0476
3/81.581 1/80.1912 3/80.0419
7/161.191 1/40.1522 1/20.0380